Tuesday 1 February 2011

Up and Down

It’s amazing what you can learn from local newspaper websites. For example, I found out today that World-Class cross-country mountain biker Liam Killeen appears to be preparing for the Olympic Downhill event from the Malvern Gazette. Hang on a moment, though, there is no downhill mountain biking in the Olympics, even in 2012, and how would Liam improve on his performance last time when he was clearly racing XC in 2008. It definitely qualifies as one of these newspaper articles where I knew more about the story before I read it. I am pretty sure, for those of you who are now confused, that Killeen will be racing XC at the Olympics as he always has, and hopefully he will do better than in Beijing.

At least the Red Bull Hill Chasers event last weekend was clear about which way the riders were going. Taking over Bristol’s Park Street for a series of one-on-one hill climb races, it seems to have been a success, with Chris Metcalfe taking the gold (bike). FMFT were in Bristol over the weekend, but prior engagements unfortunately kept us away, either from watching, or demonstrating our explosive uphill skills (and therefore from any embarrassment in front of a crowd).

All that’s left for us today is to urge you to get behind the campaigns to keep woodland across the country from potentially being sold off to private owners. Sign the online petitions here and here.


1 comment:

  1. Hello A,

    As a big land owner and recent purchaser of woodland I'm very disappointed to read your comments in what you call a 'blog'. I have just purchased 53.7 percent of the new forest. I did it to protect it in perpetuity I love those fury little badgers sometimes I wrestle them other times shower with them depending what mood I'm in. After clicking on your links I realise what the rest of the world thinks of me.... I could almost feel my heart harden - I have now decided to build a massive park and ride over the new forest, good for both Southampton and Bournemouth. Daddy didn't raise no fool! Or I might become a house DJ.....or do both and dance around the park and ride when everyone has gone home. Yes that's it and it all your fault. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_9_A5pPvFc&feature=related Thanks 'A'
