Wednesday 16 February 2011

Mall Games

Have you ever got to a shopping centre and thought about how you’d love to ride through it, or sized up whether you’d have the balls to ride an escalator? Of course you have. I mean, who hasn’t?

For a taste of just what that could be like check out this video from Freecaster of this year’s Downmall event and start to think about your local shops in an entirely different way:

In more traditional competition the schedules for the 2012 Olympic Games were released yesterday and you can start to plan your summer. You might have heard that it’s happening in London, although they’ve been keeping it pretty quiet. For the cycling schedules at a glance have a look at Cycling Weekly here and start saving up.


1 comment:

  1. Once again it seems the embedded Freecaster video is causing issues. Check it out here.
