Wednesday 20 April 2011

Bobby Bikes and Boris Bikes

You know those police officers on mountain bikes? Think they don’t do anything? Think again. Yesterday I saw one of them pull over another cyclist. Admittedly they could hardly have ignored the guy on a bike running a red light, with his friend sitting on the handlebars, but I was still surprised to see them act.

So if you’re caught doing anything wrong you can expect a hand on the shoulder to pull you over, and not an exciting blue-light chase, and I don’t know what the outcome was, as I left the scene sharpish, but don’t assume that you can ignore the bobbies on bikes if you’re on one yourself.

Also in London news there is a storm brewing over the way a major Boris Bike station is going to be restocked. As this is from the Evening Standard expect the usual outpouring of anti bike feeling in the comments. We all run red lights you know, and ride on the pavements…


1 comment:

  1. Hello hello hello there 'A',

    As a bobby on the cycle beat I often ignore other policemen on bikes, I find them borish and a real pain in the saddle if you know what I mean? I feel you website has not catered for people who do actually ignore officers on bikes. Please amend your article April 20th.
