Friday 16 October 2009

Staying In

What with the weather cooling down, as I mentioned yesterday, and London travel costs due to rise if you do choose to go out but leave the bike at home, the only option seems to be to stay at home this winter. Certainly if you decided to buy a diamond encrusted bike then the safest option would be to hang it on the wall and just enjoy looking at it, rather than riding it anywhere. I don’t know what the process for cleaning road grime from diamonds is, but I imagine it might be complicated and not what you signed up for. Also you are going to attract a certain amount of attention and I don’t think even the strongest of locks is likely to be able to stop it being stolen. It’s definitely a bike for carpet riding.

While you’re at it, and using all the money you can save by never leaving the house, you can play the new game for the Wii that’s due out in January. “Cyberbike Cycling Sports” will even come with its own exercise bike to control the game. This all sounds terribly exciting, although possibly eventually as space consuming as any exercise bike. Inevitably within a few months you’ll be using it to hang your wet cycling kit on to dry, but until then you’ll have the fun of racing through places on a bike, while never leaving your lounge (a little like the Tacx VR Trainer but cuter). Apparently you can even use it with Mario Karts on the Wii, which should be great fun.

In the spirit of staying in we're now pleased to present you with the inaugural FMFT reader survey. Pull up a cuppa, sit back and fill it in. You know everyone likes ticking boxes.


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