Monday 12 October 2009

FMFT Investigation Catch-up

A Monday morning seems like a good time to round up some of the recent loose ends. I don’t want to leave you wondering what the outcomes of our investigations have been.
Out first investigation was into the bike trading activities of Kona Andrea. As I mentioned I emailed showing an interest in one of the bikes he had for sale. Unfortunately the only reply I received purported to come from a legal department:

“Badrinath Eesha web host for http://www.expatinterviews.comhas requested legal action in the form for deformation of character for your entries on your blog He feels you have grossly misrepresented both his business, private life and character in the fore mentioned blog and is as such seeking damages against you and the server provider.

Please reply to this email to accept responsibility and we will provide you with a civil court location, time and date.

Failure to reply to this email may result in a custodial sentence.

Your sincerely

Mr Dave Streetsworth

TMJ Legal”

This led to a moment of panic as I considered the consequences, a definite “oh fu*k” second. But it soon turned out that this was a friend’s idea of a funny joke, and so we are back where we started with this investigation. There have been no replies from Mr Andrea, so I neither have a dirt-cheap Orange P7, nor any further information on the “Best Selling Bike Distributor”.

More successfully, I can report a solution to the question of the Guardian journalist riding an electric bike on a pedestrian crossing.

The original picture was this one:

It turns out that there were some red-herrings in the picture that led me away form my initial hunch. The entrance to an underground station or subway, may, in fact, have been a bus stop, and the Tesco trollies seem to have been luggage trollies for Kings Cross rail station, and I am 90% sure that the crossing in question is this one:

Therefore Four Miles can officially announce that the crossing is categorically not a toucan crossing, and there is no allowance for cyclists to be on using it. Do what you want with this information.

On the subject of bikes in inappropriate places, it seems that you now don’t need to stop at a coast to coast ride, but can carry right on into the sea with this boat-bike. It could also mean the end to all those awkward detours around rivers and lakes and just let you ride the best bits of those trips to the Lake District. If the rain starts up again this week, I’ll be all for one for my journey to work.


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