Wednesday 21 October 2009

Bike Fit – September Update

Well this is going to be short. I didn’t ride to work in September. Sorry.

I find it incredibly easy to stop riding to work. When I’ve got loads of other stuff going on, I see it as an extra hassle. Getting all the gear together, dealing with the weather and the physical exertion of it convinces me I’m better off on the tube, spending money for the privilege of taking longer to get to work.

What frustrates me is that I don’t learn from my mistakes and I know this will not be the last time I wimp out. There’s always a different (rubbish) reason for why I stop. This time it was a flat on the way to work. I couldn’t be bothered to fix it so the bike languished in the underground car park.

You’ll be happy to know that I’m back on the bike and will have a full set of times, hopefully with improvement, for October. My mission at the moment is to get below twenty one minutes, having come tantalisingly close in August with a 21.04.

In the bid to improve my times, I am discovering a hatred of traffic lights. I am still grudgingly complying with the sods most of the time but there is nothing more soul destroying (within the limitations of trying to ride to work quickly) than getting stuck at a red. Take my ride last Thursday for example. I was flying; I held back on the first climb a little to insure I wasn’t knackered half way in and it was working a treat. About half way in I look up and see a green light. All too aware it could change at any time, I sprint to try and get there. A couple of metres short, it’s red.

There are different types of lights. Some you know will only hold you for a minute, give you a chance to recover and not affect the chances of getting a good time. Others, usually at major junctions, seem to last an indeterminate age. All I can do is sit there in the knowledge that a potentially good time is ruined beyond repair. It’s difficult to get motivated to do the rest of the ride at full pace and I sit there swearing at the unfairness of it all. I think I may be getting a bit obsessed. No worry though, another flat and I’ll stop for a month. Times to follow.


1 comment:

  1. Could I recommend an electric bike for those days when it all seems too much like hard work. Perfect solution if you're not concerned with street cred or speed and don't mind being flagged down by gaggles of old women telling you how 'handy' it looks.J
